Domo - Working In Background rel$ homepage


summer time is in the air therefore with all my time I think i need to start fresh and make a space i really like....

current goals: I want to make my own animated item that floats at the top of the screen to replace the cat. I also hope to add a music player, and perhaps a cute lil pop up....but let's be honest...are pop ups really that cute?

this is rel

nice to see you stumbled here,,,i am an undergraduate physics student living in the U.S. I hope you find some sort of use or entertainment of my ramblings. My email is if you want to give me a shout.

Today's ramble

(05/20/24) Today is my first lab meeting of the semester. My goals today are to get a notebook, read an intro into solid state physics, and be here for the day to be sure that I help around as much as I can. I would like to be here on Mondays, Tuesdays, (maybe wednesday mornings), and Thursday Mornings. My weekends are suspended due to work. I don't know if I will be getting paid yet (i highly doubt it) but I still want to take this as a sign of new opportunities, so I am taking this seriously. I am so tired right now though, it is 11:30am and I have yet to have coffee (my fault).

I also got an opportunity to work in space science laboratory (unpaid ofc, just like this one) and so now I am in the position where I either want to stay in solid state physics or branch out to space sciences. I personally am excited with space sciences, however, what are the options for me later on with that emphasis? So, lots to think about. I will decide by the end of the summer if I want to pursue space sciences.
